Friday, February 26, 2010

Going back home

Getting ready to return home already. Time has gone so fast. Leaving is simpler than coming. We haven’t accumulated much that needs to go back to Seattle. We can just get up and walk out of this house at anytime and Christina will finish getting everything together. I am not looking forward to the transition. I miss my friends and parents. I do sometimes longingly picture glorious Seattle summer weather, salmon on the grill and salad greens from the farmer’s market. A return to anonymity. My sewing machine. Long runs not covered in a sweaty film of dead bugs. I do not relish a return to the highways, the competition, the worry about money. I always feel like there is something I should be doing that I am not. Life gets pretty hectic with the coming and going with meetings scheduled back to back and no time to eat. I have to do a lot of housework at home.

It has been a good year to come. Jules’ junior year and the beginning of the college plans. A reminder that we are each constructing our own life, there is no pyramid, no ladder to success. I feel like we have found the life that is right for us, as a family, even though in some ways we are backsliding. I have no idea what we are going to do when we get back home.

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