Monday, September 7, 2009

School Finally Starts in the States

Now that school is starting in the Northwest, maybe my children will feel better about going to school here and complain less. They have already been attending the American Nicaraguan School for a month. Not a day goes by that they don't mention that none of their friends are in school yet.

Things seem to be going well. Jules had to adjust to 7 classes instead of six, but then again, only 3 AP classes as opposed to the 4 he signed up for at Garfield. Both have had to adjust to the different expectations at their school. Jules somehow made it to Junior year without learning how to make an outline, which is something he is expected to do every week for AP US History. Big irony is that both of my kids are studying US history and American Literature here because of the way the curriculum is designed. I sure wish it was Nicaruaguan history and literature!

Noah is definitely under challenged. He's able to take advanced math and that is the only class he likes. I think Spanish is ok too. Science is really boring, so he has started to read Jules' Chemistry text in his spare time. We must find him some more stimulating science books.

Jules is taking drama and its challenging because so far they seem to be studying US movie and TV actors which is something he knows nothing about. For him, international issues has been a timely course where they discuss what globalization really is.

I had a nice chat with Deb tonight; her kids start school tomorrow. I was so jealous of Charlie being able to run out at 8:00 and get school supplies at Walgreens. But then again, I can walk across the street any time of day and get one of those little bottles of Coke made with real sugar. Or five cents worth of laundry detergent.


  1. Sure am glad you still have access to Coke with real sugar. Make sure you have plenty on hand for your children as your parents did for you.

  2. Hi,

    Are your kids still going to American Nicaraguan Academy? If so, how is it going? How are the classes? Are the teachers good? Has the course work improved?

    I have a son who may go there next year as a 3rd grader. He is very intelligent and we had to find a different school for him to attend to make it more challenging for him. I'm afraid he will not enjoy going to school at ANA. Please let me know if I will regret having him go to school overseas or happy I did.


  3. Hi,

    I re-read your post completely and noticed you and your kids are not in Nicaragua any more. Nevertheless, please let me know what it was like for your kids to attend ANA.


  4. Hi Yusuf!

    So sorry, as you realized, I never look at this anymore. My kids were only at ANS for a year in middle and high school. Here in the states, they are part of a public school gifted program. All in all, our experience was that high school was just as challenging academically as at home because of the availability of AP courses that teach to the national test. Middle school curriculum was significantly less challenging. I have no experience with grade school.

    BUT - I found the administration open to accommodating my child's needs. The teachers were very well qualified and experienced. It is a small place where everyone knows everyone and it is definitely the top of the line English language school in Nicaragua.

    My kids were happy and they are now seamlessly returning to their schools in Seattle.

    Good Luck!
